Jumat, 01 November 2013

CEC - One for All, All for One

Communicative English Club


CEC is a Student Activity Unit that works in extracurricular that have characteristic in wants, talent, leadership and skill in English.
The symbol of CEC is a red color globe that wears a black headphone and completed by red CEC letters. And the meanings are:
The Headphone of world surface: English is an international language that acceptable all over the world
Red color: The youth power as an iron of civilization
Black color: Professionalism, competency, and enthusiasm
CEC letters: An organization that encourage mastery in English

The Membership of CEC:
Full Member is all student of STAIN Salatigathat have joined with English friendship Tour (EFT) or English Friendship Camp (EFC) as the access to improve the capability in English
Special Member is a membership that automatically had by all student of STAIN Salatiga.

The activity of CEC
EFC (English Friendship Camp)
CEC Online
IIWC (Indonesia International Work Camp)
Social work
Breaking the Fast
Foreigners Visiting
IEFT (Short Course Scholarship)
English Drama
English Discussion at TVRI Jawa Tengah (RELAX)

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